Loving The Journey

Weekly Newsletter

Previous Loving The Journey Newsletter:

AUGUST 7, 2024

"My Heart is Ready"

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

Over the past several weeks, I spent some time on vacation and some time on a study break. I am so grateful for a great staff team that leads so well in my absence.  We truly do have an incredible team that God has put together.    

While I was away, I saw a variety of churches. Here are a couple of church buildings that stood out by their sheer beauty.

Aren’t they beautiful churches? The last one pictured has a beautiful red door for the entrance of the church. Just above the door, you can see it has a message: “O God, my heart is ready.”

What a great prayer to pray as we head into church each week. Matthew 5:8 says,

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God."

It is no coincidence that those whose hearts are ready for God and those who are pure in heart experience God’s love and kindness in unique and special ways.  

I wonder how that would impact us. What if before a church service ever began, we simply prayed, “Oh God, my heart is ready.” Yes, Lord, before we even hear the sermon, before we open up your Word, before we hear the first chord played for worship, we say, “Our hearts are ready. Come and do whatever you desire to do in and through me.”

This is my prayer for you today, that we’d live a life that is open and receptive to what God wants to do in us. If your heart was wide open to let God speak to you today, what would He say? I encourage you to spend a couple minutes being still and listening to the voice of God and see what He impresses on your heart.

Let me switch gears a little bit. I have to tell you; I am so excited. We are just TWO weeks away from launching our brand-new Thursday night worship service, which will be on Thursday, August 22nd at 7 p.m. If you know somebody who is busy with work or life on Sundays, would you invite them to church on Thursdays? We believe that it’s going to be their best night of the week! You can learn more about our Thursday night service at www.journeychristian.com/thursdays.

I’m loving the Journey,

Dustin Aagaard
Lead Pastor
Journey Christian Church
July 31, 2024

"Power in Waiting "

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

It's my honor to share with you this week.

It's my privilege to serve as a Resident here at Journey Christian Church through a 2-year pastoral leadership program designed to prepare young leaders like myself for lifelong ministry. As Journey continues to REACH out to love our neighbors, SERVE the hurting, and DEVELOP leaders for ministry, this unique opportunity allows me to gain valuable hands-on experience working alongside our dedicated Journey staff teams. For more information about the Residency program or how you can consider a partnership with our Host Home program, please visit www.journeychristian.com/residency.

This past Sunday, we wrapped up our series, "A New Way to Be Human." Pastor Russell challenged each of us with the thought that waiting is not wasteful. In fact, waiting is winning, as we were reminded of the power of prayer and patience in James chapter 5. If you missed it, I encourage you to check it out here!

We read in Isaiah 40:31, "Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint." This verse reminds me that we find strength in waiting, trusting, and hoping in the Lord because His plans are perfect.

Growing up, I often felt spiritually defeated. In high school, I struggled to balance school, sports, and church, wondering why things weren't working out. As I matured, I realized my lack of trust in Jesus and the need for a personal relationship with Him were the root causes. At 17, I committed my life to following Jesus, facing a challenging journey marked by prayers of waiting, often met with "no," "not yet" or what felt like silence from God. I learned that trusting in
Jesus means believing His plans are perfect and His responses protect us or prepare us for something better.

One of my professors once said, "Why assume God is silent when the only voice we hear is our own?" We must be willing to wait in the silence, trusting and submitting our plans to His greater plan.

So, what does it look like to be still and know that He is God? It looks like finding intentional times of silence, setting aside distractions, and listening for His voice. Here are some practical steps that I encourage us to practice:

1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a place where you can be alone and free from distractions, like a room corner, backyard spot, or your car during lunch. Visit it regularly.

2. Find a Time: Set a specific daily time for silence and prayer. Whether it is in the morning, during a lunch break, or before bed, consistency matters.

3. Journal Your Thoughts: Write down your prayers, thoughts, and impressions from God. It focuses your mind and tracks how God speaks to you.

4. Practice Listening: Spend time just listening in your quiet space. Quiet your mind and be open to God's voice. Reflect on Scripture and ask God to speak through His Word.

5. Be Patient: Remember, waiting is part of the process. God's timing is perfect, and silence can be for growth and preparation.

When you feel spiritually tired or defeated, remember you are living an answered prayer. God is bigger than our problems, provides beyond our imagination, and has good plans for us. Be still, know He is God, and be patient in waiting prayer.

I am loving the DEVELOPING Journey!

Cayson Gregory
Executive Ministry Resident
Journey Christian Church
July 24 , 2024

"Simple and Real Faith"

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

As the Next Gen Pastor at Journey, I continue to be in awe of how God is moving in and through the hearts of our kids, students, leaders, and staff. Summer is a season full of God moments for our Next Gen Team. This series we’ve been in as a church called “A New Way To Be Human” has had me thinking about how much we can learn from the younger generations because of how they respond to God in a simplistic and authentic faith. If you’ve miss any of the messages as we’ve gone through the book of James, you can catch up here.

Simple and Real Faith

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." This verse reminds us that faith, at its core, is simple and genuine. Children approach God with an openness and trust that is pure and unfiltered. They don't complicate faith with doubts or conditions—they just believe and respond.

This summer, we've witnessed this kind of faith firsthand. Starting with our Journey Students Summer Kick Off and Student Life Camp, we saw hundreds of middle school and high school students responding to Jesus. At Summer Jam, our elementary kids experienced God's love through fun activities, Bible stories, and worship. Their excitement and joy are contagious! It's a beautiful reminder that faith doesn't have to be complicated. It's about trusting God, knowing He loves us, and living that out in our daily lives. 

Highlighting God Moments

  1. Journey Kids
    • At Summer Jam, we saw 498 children attend this year, and many of them heard about Jesus for the first time. An amazing 294 volunteers stepped up to serve! 
    • We've seen kids praying with their whole hearts, asking deep questions about God, and expressing their faith through worship.
    • One parent shared how their child came home every day eager to tell them about what they learned and how they want to live for Jesus.
    • We had student volunteers saying, “This was the best week of their summer!”
  2. Journey Students
    • Our middle and high school students have been on fire for God! They've participated in camp, mission trips, student ministry summer fun nights, and outreach events.
    • We're seeing young leaders emerge. This summer, we’ve had 5 summer apprentices who are high school age leaders growing personally, spiritually and professionally. These students are learning what they were created for and what it looks like to serve in vocational ministry.

As we reflect on these powerful movements, let’s be encouraged by the faith of our young people. Their simple and real faith challenges us to strip away the complexities, and return to the basics of our relationship with God. Let’s embrace a childlike faith that trusts, loves, and follows Jesus wholeheartedly.

Let’s continue to support and pray for our kids and students. They are not just the future of the church; they are a vital part of it right now! God is doing incredible things through them, and we get to be a part of that journey.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, support, and love for our Next Gen ministry. Together, we are raising a generation that knows, loves, and serves Jesus with all their hearts.

Together we win,

Tammy Joseph
Next Gen Pastor
Journey Christian Church