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Loving The Journey

Weekly Newsletter

Previous Loving The Journey Newsletter:

July 24 , 2024

"Simple and Real Faith"

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

As the Next Gen Pastor at Journey, I continue to be in awe of how God is moving in and through the hearts of our kids, students, leaders, and staff. Summer is a season full of God moments for our Next Gen Team. This series we’ve been in as a church called “A New Way To Be Human” has had me thinking about how much we can learn from the younger generations because of how they respond to God in a simplistic and authentic faith. If you’ve miss any of the messages as we’ve gone through the book of James, you can catch up here.

Simple and Real Faith

In Matthew 18:3, Jesus says, "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." This verse reminds us that faith, at its core, is simple and genuine. Children approach God with an openness and trust that is pure and unfiltered. They don't complicate faith with doubts or conditions—they just believe and respond.

This summer, we've witnessed this kind of faith firsthand. Starting with our Journey Students Summer Kick Off and Student Life Camp, we saw hundreds of middle school and high school students responding to Jesus. At Summer Jam, our elementary kids experienced God's love through fun activities, Bible stories, and worship. Their excitement and joy are contagious! It's a beautiful reminder that faith doesn't have to be complicated. It's about trusting God, knowing He loves us, and living that out in our daily lives. 

Highlighting God Moments

  1. Journey Kids
    • At Summer Jam, we saw 498 children attend this year, and many of them heard about Jesus for the first time. An amazing 294 volunteers stepped up to serve! 
    • We've seen kids praying with their whole hearts, asking deep questions about God, and expressing their faith through worship.
    • One parent shared how their child came home every day eager to tell them about what they learned and how they want to live for Jesus.
    • We had student volunteers saying, “This was the best week of their summer!”
  2. Journey Students
    • Our middle and high school students have been on fire for God! They've participated in camp, mission trips, student ministry summer fun nights, and outreach events.
    • We're seeing young leaders emerge. This summer, we’ve had 5 summer apprentices who are high school age leaders growing personally, spiritually and professionally. These students are learning what they were created for and what it looks like to serve in vocational ministry.

As we reflect on these powerful movements, let’s be encouraged by the faith of our young people. Their simple and real faith challenges us to strip away the complexities, and return to the basics of our relationship with God. Let’s embrace a childlike faith that trusts, loves, and follows Jesus wholeheartedly.

Let’s continue to support and pray for our kids and students. They are not just the future of the church; they are a vital part of it right now! God is doing incredible things through them, and we get to be a part of that journey.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers, support, and love for our Next Gen ministry. Together, we are raising a generation that knows, loves, and serves Jesus with all their hearts.

Together we win,

Tammy Joseph
Next Gen Pastor
Journey Christian Church
July 10 , 2024

LOVING THE JOURNEY WITH... Pastor Dustin Aagaard
"Mid-Year Update"

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

As we find ourselves midway through 2024, I am full of gratitude and joy as I have reflected on all God has done so far this year. This year has been marked by immense spiritual growth and bold faith. I am so proud to be your pastor, as I keep seeing so many of you saying “yes” to Jesus in so many different ways.

I continue to be humbled and amazed by all God is doing in and through you. It’s been eighteen months since I had the privilege of stepping into the role of Lead Pastor here at Journey Christian Church. I feel like I’ve got spiritual whiplash from all God has done in such a short amount of time.

By God’s grace and kindness, 2024 has picked up right where 2023 left off, with great momentum. We continue to see God move in the hearts of people in incredible ways. I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 3:20-21: “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” 

God has truly done more than we could have asked or imagined. However, I have tasted and seen the Lord and it only makes me want more of Him, more of His presence, more of His mercies, more of His grace and kindness of His people.

As you can see in the infographic above, God has been so kind to us. One of the most exciting ways we’ve seen God move is through the amount of people saying “yes” to Jesus. Last year, more people were baptized in a year (411) than in the history of our church. So far this year, we have seen 282 people say “yes” to Jesus and get baptized.  That’s just incredible, and it’s ahead of the pace from last year, which is amazing! Only God!

There are so many great God stories, but hearing Dan’s story and watching how God rescued his whole family was inspiring. You can watch his story here.

His quote has been in my head ever since I first heard it.

“I’m thankful that God didn’t give up on me, because I had given up on myself.” -Dan DeJoy

Our heart is to find and gather all the “Dan’s” and introduce them to Jesus.

As good as things have been, I truly believe that the best is yet to come. As we have grown in every department and in every area, the need for financial growth is just as vital to keep up with all God is doing. We have seen a lot of people say yes to Jesus by beginning their tithing Journey this year. Our heart is to keep doing whatever it takes to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus. Your financial gift will continue to make an eternal impact both in Central Florida and around the world. You can learn more about giving by going to www.journeychristian.com/give.

I continue to be so excited about all God is doing in and through you.  

I am 100% loving the Journey!
Dustin Aagaard
Lead Pastor
Journey Christian Church

July 3 , 2024

LOVING THE JOURNEY WITH... Pastor Kevin Monahan
"We Wear His Name"

Dear Journey Friends and Family,

As we prepare to celebrate the Fourth of July, a day commemorating our nation's freedom, I am reminded of the greater freedom we have in Christ. Our earthly freedom is precious, but the freedom we find in Jesus is of eternal significance. Galatians 5:1 says, "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." This freedom from sin, guilt, and the fear of death is the foundation of our faith and the source of our hope.

This week holds special significance for our family, as my son embarks on a new journey at the Fire Academy. Watching him take this step fills me with pride and a sense of awe. As part of his training, he received his helmet, proudly bearing our family name on the back. This simple gesture holds profound meaning. As a firefighter, he will risk his life - his name - for the safety and well-being of others. This selfless act of courage and dedication is a powerful reminder of the love and sacrifice that define the Christian faith.

In many ways, my son’s journey mirrors the ultimate sacrifice made by Jesus Christ. Just as a firefighter rushes into danger to save lives, Jesus willingly faced the cross to save us from eternal separation from God. He bore our sins, our shame, and our punishment so that we could experience true freedom. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13)

Our freedom in Christ comes with great responsibility. As we wear His name, we are called to be His witnesses to the world. Just as my son’s helmet signifies his identity and purpose, our lives should reflect our identity in Christ. In every action, word, and interaction, we have the opportunity to show the world that we belong to Jesus. Colossians 3:17 encourages us, "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

This week, as fireworks light up the sky and we gather with loved ones to celebrate, let us also take a moment to reflect on the spiritual freedom we have been given. Let us remember that this freedom is not just for our benefit; it is a gift meant to be shared with a world in desperate need of hope and redemption. We are called to live lives that honor the name of Jesus, showing His love, grace, and truth to everyone we meet.

May the Lord bless each of you abundantly this week. Let us pray for our nation, our leaders, and for those who serve and protect us. Let us also pray for all those who are stepping into roles of service and sacrifice, asking God to grant them strength, courage, and protection. 

We wear His name,

Kevin Monahan
Executive Pastor
Journey Christian Church