2nd Saturday of Every Month at the Apopka Campus

On the 2nd Saturday of every month, Journey Christian Church provides a free breakfast and bags of food through our Food for Life ministry. If you or someone you know is in need and could benefit from the blessing of food, we welcome you to stop by our Apopka Campus each month. Food distribution starts at 7:30am (doors open at 6:30am) while supplies last.
For more information about attending Food for Life at Journey, either as a volunteer or guest, click the learn more section.


Love Where You Live

Serve Day is an outreach event that happens multiple times a year. It is an opportunity for us as the local church to go into our communities and love our neighbors. We partner with schools, organizations, and individuals to serve those in our community.
Looking for a way to jump into serving your community? We host Serve Day across ALL campuses!


Love God | Love People | Be Real

Just AS You Are (JAYA) Ministries was officially established in 2008. Husband and wife team Al and Sue Hoover came from a background of brokenness, drugs, divorce, and incarceration, before Christ.  They were delivered from that lifestyle through Jesus Christ and re-married in 1992.  Just AS You Are Ministries evolved from their desire to share the Good News with the broken so Jesus could begin the restoration of the family, as He did for them. God’s calling led Al and Sue to begin visiting the Florida Prison System and the Orlando Work Release Center, a Department of Corrections women’s facility that housed 84 women where they were finishing up the end of their prison sentence. Beginning in May 2010, they began transporting the women who were approved to Journey Christian Church. Every Sunday these women are provided a meal and fellowship after church with a team of 20 faithful volunteers.
In May 2021, Al and Sue began re-visiting the STEPS Program (Specialized Treatment Education and Prevention Services) on Wednesdays. They are doing a 12 step bible study with them using the Life Recovery Journey Workbook, which includes four bible studies on each step, and also use the Life Recovery Bible, as they are able to apply the scriptures in context and how they relate to their recovery.

The mission of JAYA is to show up and love these women “Just AS They Are” in their brokenness, and plant the seeds of hope and transformation through Jesus Christ! It begins with a much-needed hug and God does the rest as we are obedient to His calling on our lives. Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison … (Hebrews 13:3)