Mission Partners


Just As You Are (JAYA) Ministries was officially established in 2008. Husband and wife team Al and Sue Hoover came from a background of brokenness, drugs, divorce, and incarceration, before Christ.  They were delivered from that lifestyle through Jesus Christ and re-married in 1992.  Just As You Are Ministries evolved from their desire to share the Good News with the broken so Jesus could begin the restoration of the family, as He did for them. God’s calling led Al and Sue to begin visiting the Florida Prison System and the Orlando Work Release Center, a Department of Corrections women’s facility. The mission of JAYA is to show up and love these women “Just As They Are” in their brokenness, and plant the seeds of hope and transformation through Jesus Christ!
The Bucket Ministry aims to provide clean, safe, drinking water and the Living Water to families living in under-resourced areas around the world. By giving away long-lasting water filters and share the gospel in communities afflicted by clean water scarcity and spiritual darkness.
CRU Latin America is helping to fulfill the Great Commission by winning people to faith in Jesus, building them in their faith, and sending them to win and build others and helping the body of Christ to do evangelism and discipleship.
Florida Church Partners is a planting organization whose goal is to help their churches reach an estimated quarter-million people in the state of Florida.
Lake Aurora Camp is a camp and retreat center dedicated to helping youth and families to develop core values based on Christian principles.
Loaves & Fishes is a food ministry in Apopka, Florida serving 400+ families every week.
Choices Women's Clinic is a pro-life pregnancy support center with locations in the downtown Orlando area near the UCF campus.
Johnson University is a private Christian University located in Kissimmee, Florida whose mission is to educate students for Christian ministries and other strategic vocations framed by the Great Commission in order to extend the Kingdom of God among all nations.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) seek to make disciples through our strategy of engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response. In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
Ecuador, Hacienda El Refugio - One Collective seeks to provide a holistic strategy rooted in the ways of Jesus and focuses on sustainable change in oppressed communities around the world. Journey partners with One Collective to provide both support and short-term missions trips to Hacienda El Refugio, Ecuador.
Faith in Action brings hope to the forgotten peoples of Guatemala by laboring alongside them and by being testimonies of God's love and compassion.
Grace Medical Home mission is to be a medical home reflecting the heart of Christ by offering the highest level of health care to those in our community who need it most.
Camp Bahamas Ministries was founded in the Bahamas in 1998 through the Directorship of Richard and Andrea Albury. Camp Bahamas started hosting missions teams in June 1999 and ministered to shut-ins, widows, and the surrounding communities. Day camps were added the following year. Now permanently located in Eleuthera, Camp Bahamas provides customizable short-term missions opportunities to groups from churches, middle schools, high schools, universities, and organizations.
TCM International Institute is a seminary in Europe that develops Christian leaders for significant service through higher learning.
Sheltering Wings is a mission in West Africa ministering to orphans, training, and equipping women through their women's crisis center, and finding solutions to farming through experimental agriculture projects that extend the very short growing season and then training evangelism teams from the local church in those solutions.


Kids Around The World is all about see kids’ hearts and lives transformed by God’s love. By providing opportunities for joy, relief with physical nourishment, and hope found in Christ, we are witnessing our mission unfold across the globe.
The Pregnancy Center is a not for profit abortion clinic alternative that has been offering its free services to Seminole County since 1998. All of our services are completely confidential and at no cost to you. We exist to provide women with all of their options to navigate unplanned pregnancy. Call to schedule an appointment or use our online service. Walk-ins are always welcome.


Light House Mission Kazakhstan began in May of 2002 as a ministry of the Light Of Jesus Church in Almaty Kazakhstan that was planted by the Green family. The ministry began as a home for teenage orphans but has changed with the needs of the Kazakh people over the years. It is now ministering to and helping families who have adopted in Kazakhstan and families in the foster-care network. They help provide food, clothing, respite care  and spiritual direction for several families in Almaty.



Emmanuel and Marlene are a young couple with 2 children who are planting a church in Washington Heights. They see a church that will be a house of prayer and blessing and a safe place to enter God’s Kingdom story. They envision a church that both neighborhood “abuelas” and the neighborhood young guns can call home. This church will encourage people with an orphan spirit to take their rightful place as sons and daughters of the living God, no matter their age or circumstance. This church will have an English expression and a Spanish expression to reach more people where they are. God is writing a beautiful story in Washington Heights!
Youth With A Mission is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world.